R&D Team
The following list presents papers as they were at the time of publication.
Some were slightly edited, either because of copyright reasons or to make
them easier to read. In each section the most recent is at the top of the list.
Radiation and Boundary Element Analysis
Experimental and theoretical investigation of an unusually shaped horn (new)
Boundary Element Subdomain Modeling for Electroacoustic
Coupled Lumped and Boundary Element Simulation for Electro-Acoustics
impedance of cones at high frequencies
radiation from a source in a flat rigid baffle of finite size
Data processing
Extracting the Fundamental
Mode from Sound Pressure Measurements in an Acoustic Tube
distance weighting for extrapolating balloon-directivity-plots
A novel mapping with
natural transition from linear to logarithmic scaling
The use of continuous
phase for interpolation, smoothing and forming mean values of complex frequency
response curves
An easy to use
import-export data format specification for response type data
Determination of the quality factors of loudspeakers by a statistical method
Loudspeaker design
Derivation of the
Quasi-Butterworth 5 alignments
fuer Lautsprecher
Die Konstruktion von
Lumped Elements (AkAbak)
Modeling of a Compression Driver using Lumped Elements
Simulation of complex loudspeaker enclosures
Multiple driver modelling with a modern lumped element simulation program
AkAbak - An electroacoustic simulator
Modal network solver for the simulation of complex mechanoacoustical systems
Distributed-Mode Loudspeakers (DML) in small enclosures
Distributed-Mode Loudspeaker radiation simulation
Distributed Mode Loudspeaker simulation model