An easy to use import-export data format specification for response type data

R&D Team |  Publications


This paper describes the intention, concept and definition of a new specification for a data transfer protocol. The transfer typically originates from a measurement device or simulation package and is collected by a processing or documentation tool. To make this exchange as comfortable as possible it seems necessary to supply a range of control settings, which describe the meaning and arrangement of the data values within the dataset. The layout of the specification strongly supports 3D measurement situations, such as directivity measurements, and generally parameterised sets of data. The format of the protocol is easy to read, flexible and straightforward to implement.

Panzer, Joerg; Ferekidis, Charalampos: An easy to use import-export data format specification for response type data; 118th AES Convention, Barcelona, Spain, May 2005, Preprint 6494

The paper is available at the Electronic Library of the AES.


The ideas of specification, which are described in this paper, are used by our software for data-exchange. For writing your own data-exchange-drivers for VACS please use the provided up-to-date technical documentation.