Modal Network Solver for the Simulation of Complex Mechanoacoustical Systems

R&D Team |  Publications


This paper describes the layout of a modal network solver designed for daily loudspeaker engineering practice. A loudspeaker consists of an electrical, mechanical and acoustical subsystem. Each of these systems is expanded in eigen-function series, the coupling of which is solved with the help of a mixture of closed form solutions and numerical methods. The results are various system response curves such as sound pressure, directivity, excursion, etc.

Panzer, Joerg; Kavanagh, Sean: Modal Network Solver for the Simulation of Complex Mechanoacoustical Systems; 107th AES Convention, New York, Sept 1999, Preprint 5022

A copy of the paper can be downloaded here as pdf-file [470kB]

The original paper will be available at the Electronic Library of the AES.