NewsLatest Software UpdatesAKABAK 3.2.3 b124 (Jan 2025)See read me file of
AKABAK. VACS 2.1.3 b33 (Jan 2024)See read me file of VACS. RecentlyPapers Presentation (Nov 2023)Reproduced Sound Bristol Experimental and theoretical investigation of an unusually shaped horn Papers Presentation (Oct 2020)AES 149 Boundary Element Subdomain Modeling for Electroacoustic Papers Presentations (Aug 2019)ICA 2019 Sep Modeling of a Compression Driver using Lumped Elements AES 147 Oct Extracting the Fundamental Mode from Sound Pressure Measurements in an Acoustic Tube AES 147 Oct Product Development Track on Horn Simulation Talk on ABEC + HornsAES France + SFA Transducteur at 18 June 2013 in Paris, francetélévisions. Papers Presentation (Apr 2013)Title: Coupled Lumped and Boundary Element Simulation for Electro-Acoustics. International Master in ElectroacousticsNew courses on electro-acoustics start in October 2012, annually. Legacy Akabak 2.1 License (Aug 2010)Akabak 2.1 can be used free of charge. Updates on VACS' Tech Doc (May 2010)I updated the technical documentation on the COM-interface (which was really overdue .. still a bit thin but we will come there eventually...). Note that the example applications have been updated as well, see VACS Tech Doc New Company Structure (April 2010)NEXO and Joerg agreed on a long term cooperation for software development. This move concerns only the development service. R&D Team continues developing its range of products. New Company Structure (Jan 2008)Unfortunately (for us), Lampos is doing so well in his speaker development that he needs to concentrate more on his own business. Lampos and I founded VACS. He provided many good ideas and coded painstakingly the good old DatBin.dll, which reads many of the binary data-formats, such as MLSSA and so on. Good luck, Lampos, and please keep tuned to VACS! 2040 |